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The clean India movement is a great initiative taken by our honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. In our great country, there is great dearth so far as cleanliness and hygiene in concerned. There is a real disparity between what the government plans and the implementation of an idea. In fact, some times the idea remains confined to the books of the government and never practically done owing to the various factors, such as innumerable middle men, lack of education among our people and the country as a whole, leading to least result of a project initiated by the government. For example, every rupee spent by the government the benefit does not reach our people even up to the tune of even less than 10%. Sometimes, a government does not even come to know what is actually happening in reality. So only a government cannot give impetus to such a move unless the people of this country are made aware and involved in this plan for a great cause. To be very precise, this movement should start from our own home itself. We must make our children aware of the benefits of this clean India movement. The past generation is a hard nut to crack but if we can inculcate this idea among the school students of our country, then the benefit of this movement can be seen in the landscape of our future generation. Let us do our best and hope for the best too!